Leadership Council

CUMC Leadership Structure

The Leadership Council is designed to have effective and efficient decision-making in light of the larger mission of CUMC to make disciples of Jesus Christ serving the greater Carlisle community and beyond. In 2022, Leadership Council adopted new roles to enable them to focus on strategic planning, goal setting with pastors and oversight of personnel, facilities and finances. We elect 9 Leadership Council members serving on 3 year terms to guide and direct our church. The lead pastor, Rev. Jake Waybright, is a non-voting member of the Leadership Council.

The Leadership Council meets monthly on a Monday in Classroom A2. Executive Sessions start at 5:00pm and are followed by Open Sessions starting at approximately 5:45pm. See Church Calendar for exact dates.

To understand the role of Leadership Council, the pastors, staff and congregation. See our Organizational Chart.

2023/24 officers

Chair: Michelle Williams
Vice-Chair: Kathy Charette
Secretary: Kerm Leitner

leadership council roles

Current Leadership Council roles are:

Appointed Positions

  • Recording Secretary: Emily Clepper

leadership council minutes

Actions/votes taken by the Leadership Council are shared in the Midweek Minute, immediately following meetings published on Wednesdays. A full copy of meeting minutes can be requested from the Church Office, at any time. Due to financial information shared, this is not accessible online but only as requested by members/regular attenders.

church hall meeting

Church Hall meetings provide an opportunity for Leadership Council to share updates on mission, ministries and life of CUMC. A Church Hall is held annually at CUMC to share information and updates with the church. Watch the bulletin for more information.
March 10, 2024 Church Hall Minutes