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Still Stace Book Discussion

Time | Tuesday, 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Location | 333 S Spring Garden Street Carlisle PA 17013

Tuesdays, June 18, 25 & July 9, 7-8pm at CUMC (no class July 2)

An illustrated memoir written on the 7-9th grade reading level by author Stacey Chomiak who shares her personal journey from being a teen who tries to pray the gay away to becoming happily married with 2 kids. She highlights her struggles with people in her life who tried to tell her a relationship with Jesus and being gay are not compatible. Stacey currently lives in Canada with her wife and children and is an advocate for LGBTQ people who want to find a church home where they will be welcomed, embraced and affirmed as beloved children of God and the community of faith. 

 As a bonus, the author will join us by zoom for the last session.

This group is led by our Welcome Coordinator and Chaplain, Andrea Katz who said when she first read the book, “Wow! That’s how I felt!”