Room Reservations

At CUMC we recognize that our church buildings and grounds are a blessing from God and a tool for ministry.  We also recognize that sharing our building with community groups helps us to Live Like Jesus.  

community groups & cumc families

CUMC is open to community groups for rental and CUMC families for private events as long as your purpose fits with our mission and space is available. 

  1. To learn more, read and review our FACILITIES USE POLICY.
  2. To see rooms available, and possible set-ups, scroll down.  
  3. To check on space available, email
  4. To reserve a room, complete the Facility Request Packet.  Consider Classroom Layouts when completing Packet.  Return Packet to the Church Office with the deposit to secure your reservation.  

cumc leaders & ministries

Leaders must reserve rooms and space through the church office for EVERY meeting and event. This permits everyone to have the best space possible for every event and avoids conflicts around space, logistics, and noise.

  1. Contact the Church Office to reserve a room ( ) with date, time, and ideal room/space.
  2.  Receive your confirmation of room and time from Church Office.
  3. For large events, portions of the Facility Request Packet maybe need to be completed.  

rooms available

At CUMC we have meeting rooms, large group rooms and rooms geared towards specific ages. 
Classroom Layouts

Meeting/Gathering Rooms 
Within Adult/Community area: 7 classrooms each with chairs, folding tables, TV/DVD/Webcams
Within Office area: 2 conference rooms (12 or 8 people) 

Larger Spaces
Worship Center (500 people max) 
Chapel (75 people max) 
Cafe Area
Fun Room for kids 2-5 years old indoor play space 
Kids Room 
Student Room 

Outdoor Spaces 
2 outdoor patios with tables 
Pavilion/Water Play Area (seating for 75 people) 
Athletic Fields (softball and soccer) 
Amphitheater (seating for 75 people) 

i have more questions...

Contact the Church Office at  or 717.249.1512.